+33 (6) 47 78 39 98 direction@ecolow.eu

Fuel saver for special machines

ECOLOW has developed a fuel-saving box for special machines (snow removal machines and other fixed workstations) which helps companies reduce their expenses and environmental impact by reducing fuel consumption .

Our module adapts to all types of special equipment, from snow plows in stations, to fixed stations such as generators, shredders, crushers for recycling centers, etc. The system is interchangeable and works with different fuels, GNR* (Non-Road Diesel) for your snow plows, gasoline and diesel for all other vehicles .

The ECOLOW box is 100% approved in Europe with the CE, CEM, SEEE necessary for aftermarket accessories. Obtained thanks to the non-invasive nature of our system: no intervention on the organs or engine parameters and no addition of additives. It is an accessory that allows you to keep your manufacturer's warranty.

Being the only ones to offer such specificity on the “fuel saving” accessories market, the technology we have developed has been patented since 2018 . As a player committed to sustainable development, we take active measures to reduce pollution from special equipment and are RoHS certified right through to the design of our fuel-saving device.

* It should be noted that on certain extreme cold type fuels (GNR) the result is reduced or even canceled.

Discover our installations on special machines

We had the opportunity to collaborate with different clients to democratize our system and contribute to the reduction of inherent pollutants activities requiring the use ofspecial machines.

Intervention of ECOLOW technicians in mountain resorts

Installation on PRINOTH snow groomer

Installation on PRINOTH snow groomer

Val Thorens

Installation on PRINOTH snow groomer

Installation on PRINOTH snow groomer


Example of our fuel saver on special machines



WITTMANN establishment



Generator Group in Guyana



ETS Chapat



How does the ECOLOW system work?

After numerous tests and years of research, we have developed this system which, using an electromagnetic pulse, optimizes the calorific value of your fuel. The intervention is carried out on its molecular composition. The goal? Reduce its viscosity to improve fluidity and lead to more efficient combustion.

In short, you not only save fuel, you optimize the performance of your engine and pollute less on the liters consumed. The gains are real, up to 15% on an engine running on Diesel for example.

Guaranteed for 2 years, with no maintenance required, the module has proven itself provided that the prerequisites for use are respected: mmaintain a constant operating regime (minimum 1 hour) to maximize the result and reduce your CO2, Nox and HC emissions.

How is the ECOLOW box installed?

Our team is available every day to install the device on site in your stations, recycling centers, etc. whether in France or abroad. It is compatible with all types and brands of equipment and is guaranteed for 2 years. Although quick, the intervention of our technicians or at least training is necessary to ensure the correct assembly and operation of the module.


How long does the procedure last?

Outside of periods or during peak activity, we will only immobilize your machines for a very short time so as not to impact the productivity of your services. Allow an intervention time of approximately one hour.